Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Occupational Therapy Month

Since April is OT month, I want to take a moment to share with you all my career path. I am an occupational therapy student pursuing my Master's in this amazing field, and currently immersed in my first three-month affiliation at an awesome pediatric setting.

Occupational therapists help people to live life to the fullest and engage in meaningful activities. We work with people across the lifespan who have disabilities or injuries, and empower them to function independently in self-care, work, leisure, and more.

Consider all the things you do throughout the day, from getting ready in the morning, eating, driving, cooking, and exercising. There are so many activities we each do in our lives that we don't even think about.

Now imagine that you have a hand injury. How are you going to brush your teeth? Write your name? Pick up bags of groceries? When a person's ability to function in his or her everyday activities is impaired, occupational therapists can step in and help. We recommend modifications and adaptations so that a person can function as independently as possible in meaningful activities, from adaptive equipment to simple strategies that solve the problems at hand. We facilitate strengthening exercises through functional tasks that revolve around client-centered goals.

Currently, I work with kids with autism spectrum disorder, sensory processing disorder, or a variety of developmental delays. They are incredible. Together we engage in therapeutic activities that allow the child to increase strength and coordination, modulate their sensory systems, and develop cognitive and social skills. We practice buttoning shirts and tying shoes, forming letters, using utensils for mealtimes, and so many more self-care and play skills. Occupational therapy is fun and practical simultaneously, and ultimately these kids are developing the skills they need to succeed in daily life activities.

We are problem-solvers, advocates, and supporters. We are compassionate, practical, and creative. We are passionate about coming alongside people to help them live a fulfilling, meaningful life through physical, mental, and spiritual wellness.

What we do makes a difference, and I am honored to be a small part of each client's unique journey through life. I have been called to love people and be the hands and feet of Jesus through OT.

Thanks for reading about my calling, and thank you to every person who has supported me along the way.

To Him be the glory,

1 comment:

  1. It's inspiring to see your passion for occupational therapy and the difference it can make in people's lives. Paediatric occupational therapy is especially powerful, helping children overcome challenges and thrive in everyday activities. In Wodonga, there’s a real need for more specialists in this area to support kids in reaching their full potential. It’s amazing that you're already getting hands-on experience in such an impactful field!
